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(Afgelopen) Webinar omgaan met hoarding binnen Housing First (Engelstalig)


Dit webinar wordt georganiseerd door EENet, het Canadese Housing First Network en de Housing First Europe Hub. De voertaal van dit webinar is Engels.

Aanmelden voor het webinar kan hier.

Join this webinar to hear from experts and practitioners in Canada and the United Kingdom to help manage hoarding among Housing First clients. This webinar is the sixth in the International Housing First Webinar Series and is presented by EENet, the Canadian Housing First Network and the Housing First Europe Hub.

The presenters will discuss the following topics:

  • Understanding hoarding disorder from a mental health and housing perspective. This presentation will include topics such as reducing stigma, raising awareness, team engagement approaches, and the supportive housing approach to hoarding applied by Services and Housing in the Province (SHIP) in Ontario, Canada.

Presenter: Jennifer Brock

  • Understanding the relationship between homelessness and hoarding, how homelessness contributes to and/or is expressed in hoarding behaviours; treating hoarding as a multi-level problem requiring a variety of strategies and approaches. The presentation will review the types of intervention strategies adopted and the outcomes of a one-year hoarding pilot as evaluated by University of Ottawa.

Presenters: Chioma Obiakor and Greg Saxe

  • A collaborative approach that the UK agency—P3 Charity—has with other agencies to provide support for high-end hoarding that aims to create a lasting difference. This presentation will explain how this service operates, the approach to receiving referrals, the restorative work with people for up to, and sometimes over, one year, and how the team provides a holistic approach to match individual needs. This presentation will describe some real-world cases.

Presenter: Fraser MacKinnon

Meer informatie over de sprekers, het webinar en aanmelden kan via deze link.

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Introductiedag Housing First Zeeland (wachtlijst)

Deze introductiedag is voor professionals die zowel uitvoerend als tactisch-strategisch actief zijn binnen gemeenten, woningcorporaties of zorgaanbieders en die interesse hebben in de Housing First aanpak.

DOCK WIZE, Edisonweg 41B VLissingen


WEBINAR: Overdose Prevention and Recovery Support in Housing First Settings

On the 19th of March, the Evidence Exchange Network at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the Canadian Housing First Network, and the Housing First Europe Hub will host the International Housing First Webinar Series.



Introductiedag Housing First Limburg

Deze introductiedag is voor professionals die zowel uitvoerend als tactisch-strategisch actief zijn binnen gemeenten, woningcorporaties of zorgaanbieders en die interesse hebben in de Housing First aanpak.

NERO City Café Roermond

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