Housing First Europe Hub
Partnerschap Housing First Europe Hub
Housing First Europe Hub heeft de missie om dak-en thuisloosheid in heel Europa te beëindigen met het invoeren van Housing First. Housing First Nederland is partner van Housing First Europe Hub en neemt een belangrijke plek in binnen deze hub. Dit geeft ons de kans om op internationaal niveau samen te werken, kennis te delen, onderzoek te doen en belangen te behartigen.
”Housing First Nederlands is a key partner for the Housing First Europe Hub in our work on Housing First at both European and international level. Housing First Netherlands plays a crucial role to connect the practice of Housing First in The Netherlands with policy.
The inclusion of Housing First in the Dutch strategy to end homelessness is a prime example of the impact of Housing First Netherlands and its members.
Housing First Netherlands is a key player in our work at the Housing First Europe Hub to develop and support national networks. Housing First Netherlands and has helped us to establish true partnerships and important connections with colleagues across Europe to exchange and improve training practice and research on Housing First as part of an international movement dedicated to ending and preventing homelessness by making sure that the response to homelessness starts with Housing First.”
Samara Jones – Coördinator Housing First Europe Hub